Government Satisfied • Children Happy • Calm among the Chaos! 





THANK YOU!  Over the past two weeks we had shared that education officials from the government of South Sudan visited the school and have voiced concern.  Our request for prayer and action was placed before you and you had responded.  
Many of you chose to be a hero for a day to make a difference in the lives of at risk children. 
We give God praise for your partnership in raising enough funds. 
This weeks prayer request:
Pray for Mid Atlantic Christian University’s Homecoming to be a time of reflection and direction as Jim Tune along with alumnus and Mercy Partners advisor Keith Wood ( ICOM)  and Tom & Sandie ( Mercy Partners) share a challenging plea to embrace the great commission among our land.  
Tom and Sandie will unveil their ICOM workshop and make a special announcement at the Mercy Partners exhibit. 

Please share this with someone today.


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New desks in the school yard as they await placement. 


                          on a PERSONAL NOTE:  Thank you for partnering with us in this very special circumstance.  It has demonstrated that our prayer partners not only do the most by praying, you have also engaged in personally reaching the physical needs of others.  As prior stated, this was the first time we put a financial request before our prayer partners.  There are many needs throughout the year. Please comment and let us know if you would welcome more opportunities to be placed among our prayer request or if we should keep it specifically prayer with very few request.  – We are grateful for your involvement. –



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Mercy Partners, PO Box 236, Columbia North Carolina, 27925 is a 501c3 tax deductable charity.