
Pictured:  Children gather grain spilled from bags following a food-drop in South Sudan.  – Photo by APNGO
The reality of the current situation in South Sudan takes a toll on the emotions. South Sudan have carried out horrific crimes against children, including castration, rape and tying them together before slitting their throats.  see full report.    

Our work in South Sudan’s village of Gudele needs your prayers.  We provide hope in Jesus Christ. Gudele Church School helps 600 at risk children navigate through the turmoil of war and evil that they have experienced.  
• Pray for our native colleagues that are on the front lines of working with these children. 
• Pray for God to endow us with wisdom so we can best use the resources we have. 
• Pray for the deliverance of South Sudan.  
This week we are at the North American Christian Convention  ( NACC)  
 Exhibit # 543 If you are in attendance we would love to meet you. 

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