the next wave 






Picture above : Laser focused at Boiling Springs Christian Camp as the children meet “Okot” – the fictional Mercy Partners VBS character who shares the lives of our children in South Sudan.


This week Tom and Thomas are working with high schoolers at Boiling Springs Christian Camp in Woodward, OK. Thomas will take over on the 8th . They will be speaking to church on the weekends .This Sunday the 7th , Booker ,TX , Protection, KS on the 14th then Laverne, OK 21st.  Then NACC in Ohio on the 28th. Be in prayer as we get the word out about the work in South Sudan as we shore up Christians in the United States to fuel the next wave of missionaries.

Pray for 

1) Our Christian Leaders in South Sudan as they undergo hardship.

2) Protection from the evil one as we seek clear communicate with our various teams .

3) Strength and energy as Tom and Thomas teach and speak daily.

Praise Tom and Thomas had safe travels to Oklahoma last week ! 



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