living water despite war

Project Jacob is the name of our safe water initiative in South Sudan.

We just completed our assessment in a village called Rajaf Payam ( near Juba, South Sudan ) This will be our 7th & 8th well and will be in place around April – June. This is no easy task during a time of war but the opportunity for the gospel to take root is worth the effort. We are already praying for our “ Project Jacob” ambition for 2106 . We are hopeful to place 12 wells in the region of Terekeka ( an animist area that has suffered during the war) Partnering our resources with the opportunity that conflict brings, expands the Kingdom of God in ways that cannot be imagined– Thank you for your prayers, partnership and love you have shown to us and those that we give ourselves to for the sake of Christ. 
Pray for the areas that we serve to have special protection from the evil one. – War is constant as another peace agreement has been broken when artillery and arms continue to destroy any sense of security.  
Pray for continued health and safety among our implementing partners and colleagues as well as Mercy Partners team in the US and abroad. 
Pray for the faith of the Christians that will be persecuted this week on account of the name of Christ. Pray that the persecution will produce courage inside all of us to stand for what really counts.

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