detracted attention dwarfs conflict 






As world attention shifts to the growing influence of Muslim militant groups on the African continent, few have paid any attention to the ongoing bloody conflict in South Sudan. An estimated 50,000 people have died and 2 million have been displaced in the latest phase of fighting in this nation. Since War erupted Dec 2013, The president and rebels have signed and broken six peace agreements. Last Monday another peace agreement was signed, new information has uncovered appalling accounts in certain areas of the country, for instance the month of August, a ‘month of rape’ was proclaimed. 

In one of the regions we operate, food, water and healthcare needs are significant. Many that seek refuge are only surviving on water from hand-dug wells and almost all are forced to defecate in the open due to a lack of sanitation facilities. We are intervening by providing Safe Water Wells through our Project Jacob Safe Water initiative and doing what we can with medical aid when we can empower collaborative partners. 
1) Pray for the Prince of Peace to watch over the land of South Sudan. 
2) Pray for our newly established relationships in E Africa and Europe as we trod the path that God allows us to move on. 
3) Pray for our efforts in the United States to train missionaries in how to help and not hurt the communities they serve in the name of Jesus Christ . 
 ** picture shown:  Our current Mercy Mission clinics being held in E. Africa 

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