Light the Fire 






 We had a great beginning as the torch past to us for our 168 hours of prayer. This is the first year we had all hours accounted for before we begun. The first hour I met with Father with anticipation having known what blessings flows from previous years of the event. It was wonderful to reflect and praise the creator of the stars and ocean for bringing us through 5 years of working missions in places that are war torn and enabling a bounty of love and mercy in our heart for the least of these. God revealed YOUR heart before me, along with all of our Partners. He whispered renewed hope and promise to equip us for the next length of journey as Mercy Partners engages the needs of training more missionaries. He revealed that communication is front, center and the most important attribute of our existence. Peace flowed over my life as I think and pray for you, our family, and the growing number of martyrs that understand the peace of Jesus in even a deeper way. 

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