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Fresh fighting on the brink of Famine

Pictured – Tom in Pagak, South Sudan with God’s Children before war was on the horizon, 

Rebel forces push back against the SPLA ( Sudanese Peoples Liberation Army ) as an attempt to maintain position in Leer earlier today. Heavy artillery is reported in the region where our colleague, Charlotte Barkley founded Bush Telegraph Mission. After many peace agreements, lack of trust and tribalism has resulted in continued broken promises that compromise state security.   
As our Cholera and feeding effort continue in Gudele area of Juba, ( the Capital City) widespread famine is mounting. Villages of Maiwut and Pagak brace for continued attacks from it’s own government in Upper Nile state.The suspected defection of a paramount chief in Aweil North (near the border of Darfur) raises great concern about the extent of complete destabilization since this is the region of the presidents own tribe.   

Government attacks on Nasser and surrounding areas pushed more than 20,000 refugees across the border into western Ethiopia in May, overwhelming aid agencies.Nasser was recaptured by rebels this past Sunday, 20 July, a move condemned by our own United States as ‘unacceptable.’   

IMPACT –  Our area of impact has been among many of the various tribes in South Sudan as indicated in BOLD  – Maiwut and Pagok we have shared Christ and his love with hundreds during a youth conference and evangelistic outreach. In Western Ethiopian (Matar) Thomas, Peter Rom, Tom & Both Bithrow camped on the banks of the Nile branch and showed Good News Productions Jesus Film in Nuer language while in the shadow of a mosque. and Aweil, where Tom left in February during war after the village of Amet Weer came to Christ and where 72 were baptized. And Gudele were Peter Ladu and Tom planted a Church that had grown to a school of 600 students.   

BLAME – Mass atrocities only happen when things have fallen apart: that is, when the state has lost the ability to protect its civilians or wants to harm them.  In South Sudan we are witnessing digression of the worst savage atrocities. From babies being cut out from wombs to hundreds killed, point blank, on their hospital bed because of their ethnicity. As the “ Tribe of Jesus Christ” –  We teach all tribes in South Sudan that we are niether Nuer or Dinka, Bari or Ku Ku, but one tribe with our home, not on earth, but in heaven – we are truly displaced for our time here on earth. We are nothing and our Father is King of Everything!    

Pray for our efforts to empower native evangelists and our outreach in Gudele during great suffering.
Pray for the country as destabilization continues at an increased pace.
Pray for our increase of aid as a time of famine engulfs South Sudan.  
Pray for our colleuges in Faith Based Organizations that we are proactively attempting to partner with for the greater good of God’s kingdom. 
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