Peace Deal (Photo: AFP/Carl De Souza)







SOUTH SUDAN  – With over two years of fighting and peace talks, perhaps this  week will be the  last rounds of  negotiation to finalize a peace deal. The lead mediator reports that he will call for major reform on governance of the political system, economy and oil revenue.
 Pray for a peace agreement this week . 
 Pray for the healing of South Sudan .
KENYA – Dependency is an issue that many missionaries face. In Kenya there are prevalent misconceptions of the beneficial things that “white missionaries” can provide. This type of thinking has stood in the way of active engagement to make disciples.  With an upcoming expectation of the United States Presidents arrival, there has been an uptick in request and communication. In response I had shared our relational understanding while providing encouragement. Here are some of the facts we have shared with our Brothers and Sisters in Kenya: 
We believe our relationship is Brother to Brother, NOT Father to son. 
We believe we are of the same tribe – the Tribe of Jesus Christ. 
We believe that we have equal responsibility to the widows and orphans of the church. 
We believe that the Church of Jesus is a Church without walls. 
We believe that we are equally called to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. 
We believe that we are to act in justice, love mercy and to walk humbly with God.    
We believe that the term “Missionary” is a word that should describe the work of every Christian since we are all commissioned to make disciples .
We believe that every Christian is the house of prayer for all nations. 
We believe that we work side by side, not under — not over. 

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