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Light the Fire 2014 continues on through various Churches and organizations until it reaches us again next year. Each year of our 168 hours of prayer brings clarity and focus. 

This year as South Sudan continues to battle a physical war, there is a spiritual battle that ensues. – We have not been immune to the schemes of the evil one. Our prayer week began in the rain and continued as South Sudan has realized deep atrocities revealing the state of decay that our target country is suffering, and there is no sign of 

For those that have joined us in prayer, we want to thank you for your intercession. The commission that we share is great, and we will continue to put one foot in front of the next as you walk beside us and hold our hand. This week continue to pray as our work expands in Uganda as a spring board to take us deeper into the Sudan. Our work will continue to provide a hand up rather then a hand out and give precedence to the spiritual needs over the physical .Currently, even the UN has difficulty in providing basic humanitarian aid and lack security. Assimilation with the culture we serve remains the way forward.   

As you pray, meditate on assimilating with the people that you are called to reach. – Co workers, friends, community, family. How can we become more like those we are called to reach and emulate the holiness of God? Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;                ( Philippians 2:6 ) and how can we become like the Son of Man who did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many?  (Matthew 20:28) 


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