Peters mother has finally been laid to rest. ( In South Sudan we do not have the facilities that morgues have in the US – this is a difficult process). Glad to report that as a Christian, it won’t be long until we all meet her. – Appreciate your prayers for the family of Mama Ladu.
Peter shared “ to leave permanently is heaven being Christian.”
The general security situation is still very bad. The Army of South Sudan is forced to go to the front line without food and salary as result they turn their guns to civilians. This past week in Gudele ( the village where the Church and School are located) suffered a tragedy, once again when soldiers approach our neighbor and gunned him down because he failed to produce any money or any valued item in his house instead
Yesterday, Government forces attacked a UN outpost.
The situation is very bad people live fear. There are funerals all over the town and our Christian family is becoming discouraged wondering if the country will come on its feet again. Pray for us.
On another note, Tom continues his studies in Field Medicine and Procedures learning Diagnosis, Treatment, Sutures, Infant Delivery, Sterilization practices and trauma first aid.
We must remember that time is not our friend.
Pray for peace and hope for South Sudan that only comes from our Living Lord .
Pray that Tom is granted wisdom and knowledge as he works though the many hours of study that this Medical Intensive requires.
Pray for those in the future that will be impacted by this specific training.