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August 2012 we had all prayed for Peter Lasu Ladu’s mother as she laid on a clinic bed. We begged God to restore her health and he did! Shortly after I visited her and received a word of prayer that she spoke in Pojullo ( one of the 64 tribes we share the gospel with). Just yesterday, we received word of her final struggle with Malaria as she passed.

How do you raise tribute to a saint that had nurtured one of South Sudan’s native evangelist?  This week Peter Lasu Ladu’s mother crossed the threshold of this earth to God’s heavenly kingdom. Let’s be assured that there is more to this life then toting wood and fetching water, ( or for those of us in the west, driving to work and punching the clock). Our relationship with mama Ladu will not be forgotten and thank God for the legacy of faithfulness she left.  
Pray and give God thanks for the divine appointments that he allows us to have for our strength and encouragement and thank him for allowing Mercy Partners to reach those that have lived in war so they may experience the Prince of Peace. 


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