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Once Upon a Time 

Once upon a time, there was an ocean
But now it’s a mountain range
Something unstoppable set into motion
Nothing is different, but everything’s changed.

– Paul Simon 



The Lyrics of Paul Simon’s song in his album “ Ocean” seem to be far from most peoples thoughts of South Sudan, however, the lyrics have been resonating in my mind for the better part of the week. “Nothing is different, but everything’s changed.” 


Since December 15, 2013, as South Sudan erupted in war, our village of Gudele had received some of the first blows. From then on,  it seems as though life in South Sudan is upside-down, and everything has changed. – Since my return in February, I have been mentally unpacking the experience so I can share the lives of the persecuted with you. 


  – Once upon a time there were great ambitions on the horizon for the newly formed Republic of South Sudan. People from 16 various tribes gathered at Gudele Church and learned of Jesus Christ . Once upon a time 600 children came under our roof and Church attendance boomed. Once upon a time 52 were baptized at the River Nile when Peter, other near culture missionaries and my son and I , gathered to share the “Jesus Film” in Sudanese Arabic. – Clapping filled the air when Jesus was shown rising from the dead.  Once Upon a time, we had great hope of partnering with Christian organizations throughout South Sudan to display a one heart harmony to those that had not come to know of their Savior, Jesus. 


For two years, Gudele Church has hosted a school to raise the bar for the young, at risk, Sudanese. This month our original 4th graders have risen to the newly established 6th grade. They have had great ambition and now with the death of friends, classmates, & family could cause them such discouragement that they could lose ambition and focus. Pray for them daily this week.


Our school that bubbled to 600, now has 158 enrolled. For many, the conditions and suffering of living in Gudele have become too unbearable. Pray for the families that have been apart of our church, who are in exile, pray that they be a witness and cause Christ to be glorified wherever they are.  


Pray that we can once again realize a vision, not one of our own, but to simply be allowed to walk in God’s revelation as we seek to be ambassadors of Christ and ministers of reconciliation. 


Grace and Peace, Bro.Tom Kilian


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