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 South Sudan is beyond PRE-FAILED STATE . 

CHOLERA outbreak 

After the 34 reported dead in the village we are seeking funding to enable the local Church to be the hands and feet of Christ.  We will be running a feeding program in the name of Christ thanks to the partnership of Charlotte Barkley ( Bush Telegraph.) Now we are seeking funds for medicine, clean water containers, soaps and funds to isolate victims.  Our care through the Church is very comprehensive to include concurrent disinfection of faces of vomit on linens and article of the patient, waste disposal, manage those that have contact with Cholera patients for 5 days from the last time of exposure to prevent secondary transmission and treat household with chemoprophylaxis ( preventive medicines).  
Pittsylvania Christian Service Camp 
CAMP PITT and MERCY PARTNERS have partnered to bring enrichment activities to kingdom workers of the next generation. Baptism pictured above is a young man that thought he need to get his life right with God before he could be a Christian. Thomas had been instrumental in reaching his heart by sharing that we cannot fix our lives. Jesus saves us by grace .  We Praise God for using Thomas to share the grace of Jesus. 

Praise God for the  new lives in Christ. 

Pray for the newly baptized.
Pray for  Peter who is sick with the flu for quick healing and strength .

Pray for the repair of several wells that have need of repair (crews are mobilized). 
SAFE WATER = LIFE!  – Spiritual attacks abound. 

Pray for our in country evangelists ( safety, clear head, and gospel to flow). 
Pray for the Church in Gudele as they continue to share the love of Jesus in difficult times. 

If you have prayed and are led to contribute: 
 pledge by calling 1 910 920 0004 or CLICK HERE TO DONATE
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Mercy Partners, PO Box 236, Columbia North Carolina, 27925 is a 501c3 tax deductable charity.