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Cholera, Camp and Surgery

CHOLERA outbreak 
 Continues in South Sudan which has claimed the lives of 31 more in Gudele- bringing the total to 34. We are grateful that , in the past we had the open door to plant the church. Now the community needs the church to express the love of Jesus .  Our first line of relief was to mobilize a small outreach. Second line began today to follow up with bore holes ( wells) that have become inoperable or very low yield. 

We continue to request funds for relief. 
Pittsylvania Christian Service Camp 
CAMP PITT and MERCY PARTNERS have partnered to bring enrichment activities to kingdom workers of the next generation. Pictured above is Tom teaching several youth conditions of South Sudan and humanitarian aid process while standing within a portable humanitarian aid tent ( PHAT ).  One of the students pictured hopes to enter school to be a surgent this upcoming August. 
 Last night the camp hosted a fundraising event that will undergird the Cholera outreach we have just begun.  It has been a wonderful experience seeing how Jesus is building the kingdom from among these youth – Two baptisms and the week has just begun! 
Sudanese Pastor request prayer for his twins
Pastor Elijah shares that his twin children have enlarged Adenoid surgery scheduled for Surgery 2, July. The surgery called for them to be transported to neighboring country Kenya. 
This weeks prayer focus:
Pray for the repair of several wells that have need of repair (crews are mobilized) . This work is performed by native crews and partnered organizations. Well output is a frustration since we have bores over 230 feet and they are not producing as they should. SAFE WATER = LIFE!  – Spiritual attacks abound. 
Pray for our in country evangelists ( safety, clear head, and gospel to flow). 
Pray for the Church in Gudele as they continue to share the love of Jesus in difficult times. 
Pray for pastor Elijah’s children for successful operation and for the funding to be in place for the operation to be paid . 
Pray for the newly baptized.


If you have prayed and are led to contribute: 

 pledge by calling 1 910 920 0004 or CLICK HERE TO DONATE
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