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Our Only Protection 

Over the past week we have seen that it is clear that sole vulnerabliliy allows complete strangers to engage in no other way possible .

Praise God for these divine oppointments !


This past Sunday morning Tom stated “that is was like a ghost town , then we held service and a sweet spirit existed.Later in the day, seemed like people began to return since we are in ceasefire state NOW Random multiple shots in the air , red streaks, over the past 30 minutes. Sound coming closer, we are headed inside, later all was quiet . 

Praise God for the protection that He has given !


The night before broken spirited sister Janet shared all that she has seen this past month ,then said “Prayer is the only thing that works.

God is our only protection.”

Tom shared… Our large family of Christians world wide know what has happened and the Holy Sprit has prompted us to pray.  
Continue to pray for peace in South Sudan and for protection of the innocent. For hearts to heal and hope to be restored.  

 Pray for God to forgive the nation of its sins and for repentance to take place. 


• Pray for God to strengthen the faith of Christians so that they can share their faith and His love with others.


 Pray for God to lead Tom as he encourage the natives and 

show Mercy .


• Pray for safety and health.


• Pray for the Lord to lead Tom’s every step so Christ’s name be known and praised !

Picture above is of church family this Sunday .

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