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God’s Mercy among the Destruction. 
64 Baptized in South Sudan while Town of Bor devastated. 
It seems ironic that while the country is being torn, the church is being built up. We will not neglect the wonderful news .Joseph Ajing, an evangelist trained by South Sudan Africa Mission of whom Tom assists reported that this past Sunday he baptized 64 new converts into Christ. This is a new work that Joseph had begun in a remote village.  He asks us to do two things 
1). Pray for their strengthen and growth. 
2)  He asked us to read: Mat 3:13-17, Gal 3:26-29, and Acts 2:1-4.  
We pray for God’s strong arm to be present since Thousands have been killed and half a million civilians have been forced to flee.  Large numbers are hard to get our mind around. – So take time to pray for a family in South Sudan. Pray for God’s protection over one family, and pray for the leaders of both the rebel forces and the sitting government. 
British Broadcastings eye witness reporter , Mark Lowen, stated ….” It  is as though a giant inferno has swept through the town of Bor. “ The wave of destruction signifies our deep concern of the difficulty that the two ethnic groups ( Dinka and Nuer) have towards reconciliation. 
Mercy Partners empowers evangelists of both tribes ( along with others since there are nearly 60 tribes in South Sudan ).
Tom has begun an assessment mission and has “sandals on the ground”.  We have also empowered a peace keeping Mission whose ambition is to be the voice for the marginalized tribes during peace negotiations.   
While our Peace Mission launched, Tom shared with the native team that before South Sudan separated from the Arab  controlled nation of Sudan, former leader, the late Dr Garang said :
” Even a graveyard is peaceful. “ – “ We cannot disconnect peace from fundamental change. “ –“ peace in the context of all Sudan is not peace with the continuation of war in a different form.”

Continue to give yourself to prayer for both our Peace Mission and for the Aid Assessment Mission that are running simultaneously. 
pictured above – 

Scene of BOR hospital where 14 were killed while in their hospital bed. 



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