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 Unshakable Kingdom

4 FEB – World News reports that the status of the New Republic of South Sudan is shaky at best. My report is different. When I hold the intrepid frames of South Sudan’s youth, I feel the weight of God’s Kingdom on my heart. I would rather walk blind through the land and see with the eyes of Jesus as to what is really going on.

A passage of Hebrews 12 illuminates that we have inherited an unshakable kingdom if we willingly recieve God’s grace.Although I cannot pinpoint exactly what has transpired, or what will happen with our mission today or tomorrow, I do know that God leads us and we will walk in faith secure that He is able to do immeasurably more then what we can ask or imagine. So we press on knowing that he will cause hearts to be stirred to worship him because of our presence among conflict zones.

The waves of the situation beckon for us to look down rather then keep our eyes of Jesus. We will keep our eyes fixed on the author of our salvation and He will be glorified!



 Pray for the missions we lead and have been asked to be a part of that God’s will be done and that we submit to the most difficult of callings.

• Pray for protection of the lives of the native evangelist’s we have been woven together with.
Pray for the stop of bloodshed in our beloved country of South Sudan.



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