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Traveling 3 hours in the bush, and walking 1 km in the Sudd ( swamp)  just south from Darfur, Amet Weer, is a village where two rivers come together. This is the place Tom stood and encouraged many new Christian’s that have just been reached with The Word by evangelist’s empowered by South Sudan African Mission.  Knowing of the team’s arrival, many were in disbelief that even in war we would come and meet the extended family. One older gentleman said ” I thought that I was being lied to that a white man would come here at a time of war, now I know all things are possible with God”.  These people are Kushites, the sons of Nimrod that will build their nation on Christ Jesus, the Prince of Peace.  There have been 79 baptisms this past month at this location. Praise God for the new lives in Christ ! Praises for Tom’s safe travels to reach this village with encouragement . 


We had asked two weeks ago for God to guide Tom’s every step and we see time and time again how God has lead his every step. Even in a 8 hour delay in the hot Sudan sun Tom had a divine appointment with a young man that had questioned whether his people could be chosen by God, ( since that was reserved for the Jews.) Tom relay’s “We spoke of covenants falling short of the relationship God desired to have with us. After expressing the history of Kush and the promises we have from Almighty God in Christ Jesus, he said “it is now true , I believe it is so that God has also chosen my people .”

Praise God for guiding Tom’s ever step and for this divine appointment !


We ask that you continue to pray for the following :


 Pray for the missions we lead and have been asked to be a part of that God’s will be done and that we continue to submit to the most difficult of callings.


• Pray for protection of the lives of the native Evangelists that we have been woven together with.

 Pray for the stop of bloodshed in our beloved country of South Sudan.
Pictured above is Tom with Yournew Deng of South Sudan African Mission speaking to the village of  “Amet Weer” where no white man has been .

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