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” I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart: I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

As fighting continues and more lives are lost and displaced, 200 drowned yesterday while trying to flee fighting.
 Let us pray for Christians to exemplify the love of Christ to this hurting nation. 
May they be the agent of peace and unity to South Sudan . 
Pray for God to forgive the nation of its sins and for repentance to take place. 
Pray for God to strengthen the faith of Christians so that they can share their faith and His love with others.
Tom will be leaving for South Sudan this Sunday to assess aid, encourage the natives and show Mercy .
Pray for safety and health.
Pray for the Lord to lead his every step so Christ’s name be known and praised !
Pictured above is of a camp in Juba from Phil Moore/AFP .


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