Mercy steps in E.Africa







Shortly after we left Uganda in March, Steven Ddamulira, He was hit by an automobile while walking. ( If you have ever been to Uganda, you have prayed this would not happen to you). We had prayed for Steven and shortly after, our young evangelist, David wrote; We are all enjoying the teaching of the new testament and we understand it a lot, Thank you for the prayers you are sending to us and our cousin is getting better and we pray that he can start to move again ………. in May, Sister Alice wrote: Thank you also for your prayers towards Steven because he is well now and he can walk without support as before and he is really healthy. 

 This week – Steven was refused an operation to plate his skull due to lack of funds – We put out word via Facebook that we needed $250. for the operation.  Within 5 minutes this need was met and funds verified while in Uganda – $333.00 – a message that followed stated Jeremiah 33:3. Let him know he is loved… Steven will remain in care for 6 months before he is released and we anticipate the need will continue throughout the duration. If you would like to stand in the gap and show Gods Mercy – do so by donating at or message us your intent. – press in for God’s love to shine through!


• Praise God for the funds for Steven’s operation ! 
• Pray that his surgery will take place this week and for quick recovery . 

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