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You in your small corner and I in mine.







Right before we left for N. Africa two things happened

1) Mercy Partners began funding three projects in Ghana.
2) We met with our local Church in North Carolina. 
Flying across the Mediterranean, our plane banked starboard traveling across the Sahara Desert. The vast expanse of the Sahara’s martian terrain proves Africa is no small place.  
Both Ghana and South Sudan are positioned on the same Latitude, south of the Sahara, yet thousands of miles apart.  My mind reflected on the song that was sung on Sunday: 
Jesus bids us shine with a clear, pure light,
Like a little candle burning in the night;
In this world of darkness, we must shine,
You in your small corner, and I in mine.
We give God praise for extending our presence from one side of Africa to the other. May His Mercy reap a harvest of new souls for His Kingdom.  
This morning I spoke with a young man who has witnessed many of various religions and he asked me “ Why Does God tolerate all the suffering of the world”  – My response: Our bodies are temporary and the goal is not happiness but Holiness.  – If the goal was happiness we could never become holy.  God is Holy so he allows it. He also calls the Christian to represent Him as ambassadors of His Mercy.  

Pray for our Pan-African efforts and our fellow partners in this growing ministry. 
Matthew 5:14-16

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