Mission Possible 







THANK YOU – for going! FIELD UPDATE – Our assignment from Jesus is simple, but it is also difficult. It takes resources and prayer to meet the opportunities in dark nations. The places we work are boiling with a fever for Victory that Jesus offers. – Many of you have gone with us by partnering in prayer and money to make the “Mission Possible.” GOOD NEWS! – The family of God continues to increase. 3 church families in Uganda and 3 in South Sudan receive our teachings. 3 have grown from our branches as we remain attached to the vine, Jesus Christ. This past month 7 have died with Christ to live a new life!-( Romans 6) and more will be added to Gods family today and tomorrow. 
Pray for Engulu, Opaka, Emenyu, Bua, Otim, Ibrira and Dorhur. ( New Christians walking the narrow way.) 
Pray for preachers, Peter, Paul, and Dominic in South Sudan, James, David and Joseph and Cosmas in Uganda. Don’t forget “Rahmah” as she return to share Christ and Waki as he plans a joint return with Tom to his animist village to share Christ.

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