Giving thanks for the harvest to come .

Thursday is a very special day for Mercy Partners and The United States of America.  Today’s Thanksgiving celebrations would likely be unrecognizable to attendees of the original 1621 harvest meal. 

In thinking of the reality of the first Thanksgiving 393 years ago, our heart turns in prayer to South Sudan.  A country the size of Texas  dirt roads wind through bush and expansive swamp or dry arid landscape where most of the 64 tribes inhabit. – no power and safe water is sparse.  Since December 2013 there have been massive slaughters due to tribal conflict. The current condition is not what any of us would imagine back in 2011 when South Sudan became an Independent nation. 
In September of 1620, 102 pilgrims embarked from England aboard the Mayflower.  Their intent was to establish a settlement. The expedition remained aboard ship where many succumbed to mal-nutrition and disease. It is estimated that half of their number died by the following Spring.  – Yet, the following year, the blessings of a harvest gave way to Thanksgiving!  South Sudan, Hold on! 
 We are encouraged in John 12:36 – “ Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become children of light.”
.We pray that faith is increased in the Sudan. As we do, let us be mindful that we are to take glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance” – Romans 5:3 ff . So in advance we thank God for what he is doing and will do in South Sudan to refine the country, sifting corruption and tempering our faith. 
As we and others undergo hard times, it is good to reflect on three principles that will help us to give God Praise: 
1. We must learn to be thankful or we become bitter. 
2. We must learn to be thankful or we will become discouraged. 
3. We must learn to be thankful or we will grow arrogant and self satisfied.  
This week let us reflect on what God has done in our lives to draw us closer and review what he has done though us over the past 5 years: 
 3 Church Plants, 6 Bore Holes,  285 Baptized, 102 trained Church Leaders, Primary School K-6 for over 600,  2500 medical treatments, 2 Christian Youth Conferences and over 6 Mercy Missions. 

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