This week reports are pouring in of clashes that cause intense destabilization in South Sudan. We deem the information reliable and in extreme need of prayer.

Open reports that exemplify our deep concerns include that more than one million children have fled South Sudan’s civil war with another one million children displaced within the country. [ Various refugee agencies ] in a statement just yesterday…The future of a generation is truly on the brink,…The horrifying fact that nearly one in five children in South Sudan has been forced to flee their home illustrates how devastating this conflict has been for the country’s most vulnerable.

  • Pray for the displaced children who are at risk. 

 • Pray for the Gudele church as they care for the spiritual and physical needs of 16 different tribes.

Last week we reported :

 MERCY PARTNERS is currently in stage 2 of a 5 part program to mitigate starvation. $5944 is needed to complete the feeding program for 1200 souls. Most all the country is situation code is stressed to Elevated while Unity state is in full blown famine. 

$5,944 is still needed.


PRAY for our church family in South Sudan and CONTRIBUTE so they can be the hands and feet of Jesus to feed the hungry during this dire time.

PRAY we make our goal!

$7 food for a day,    

$29 food for a week  

$116 food for a month  

 We will be supplying food direct to the starving for 4 months. 

Any amount helps in a big way!




Also we give God praise for a wonderful week of prayer . Thank you to all of you who joined us for the Light the Fire prayer event! 









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Mercy Partners, PO Box 236, Columbia North Carolina, 27925 is a 501c3 tax deductable charity.