Since the early months of 2017 South Sudan have been experiencing a famine following several years of instability in the country’s food supply caused by war and drought. The famine has been estimated to affect almost five million people (about 50% of the South Sudanese population), with food shortages expected to spread by the middle of the year. MERCY PARTNERS is currently in stage 2 of a 5 part program to mitigate starvation. $5944 is needed to complete the feeding program for 1200 souls. Most all the country is situation code is stressed to Elevated while Unity state is in full blown famine. 

• Pray for the remaining funds to be met.

• Pray for the church leaders as they organize this feed program. 









Prayer event – Light the Fire


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Every Year for one solid week, we join other prayer warriors to pray for our Lord to empower us to carry out the Great Commission of Preaching, Teaching and Baptizing all nations and enable Christian workers to raise up Disciples to carry out the task until our Lords return.




Mercy Partners is an organization that provides relief in conflict zones by enabling native evangelist with leadership education and resources to provide needed relief in times of crisis. Our work has established four churches and multiple outreach centers in Displaced Persons.
The Church families that we have empowered in South Sudan and Uganda will join with us in prayer within a Global Prayer Chain that will stretch over 6,000 miles and 168 hours of continuous prayer from Europe to Asia. 

Pick an hour or hours that you can pray during our 7 days, ( or reoccurring hours) When you “ book” your time, we will send you a prayer guide to direct your hour of prayer in uplifting the Global Church. ( if you would like, get creative and take pictures and send them in so we can share your prayer experience)

Marvel at how you are taking part in a continuous prayer chain that begun in 2010 and will enter a global celebration in 2020!    24-7-520 weeks 10 years!  << View the Hour and dates at     select your hour(s) to pray.   If you have difficulties or offline— call or write us so we can secure your time and send you a prayer guide.  1 910 920 0004  or sandie(at)


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Email: sandie(at)
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Copyright © 2013 Mercy Partners,Ⓡ A registered Trademark. 

Mercy Partners, PO Box 236, Columbia North Carolina, 27925 is a 501c3 tax deductable charity.