100% resolution success with Mangoes 







  • What is worth 100% success?  –  If your resolution is to not have a resolution well, then you will certainly succeed. If you have made a resolution to lose weight, get organized or spend less and save more then KUDOS! You are among the top resolution makers along with other resolutions to enjoy life to it’s fullest and staying fit and healthy. Could you imagine the spiritual giant that you will be if you make a resolution to be God’s friend? Why not make a resolution?  

A resolution by definition is a firm decision to do something (or not) in order to solve a problem. A personal resolution is like solving an internal dispute.

Why fear?  Many don’t make a resolution for fear of missing the mark! No one likes to fail, however, if you don’t have resolve then we are missing the mark every time! James 4:17 says If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them. 

The Secret to Success – Mind, Heart and Will need to work together to bring about change. God has given us a mind, heart and will. All three need to be engaged to have a transformation! (for fun read Romans 12 about the transformation you can have) 

How a mango can help– This past summer a growing number of disciples were asking us for the Lords teachings on life, how to live it and how to be a friend of God. In meeting the need, Mercy Partners developed “ Mango” a 52 week discipleship plan. It has been a so successful, we want to offer you the opportunity to be discipled by us. If you want to make a resolution to draw close to God, we will send you a weekly “ Mango” lesson to your email box covering the span of God’s Identity to Our Eternity with him. It will sharpen you, provide a way to engage with other disciples and join us together in prayer.

 You have a limited time to get resolved!  BEFORE THURSDAY AFTERNOON Please let me know if you would like to be discipled by writing me at  :  mail@mercy-partners.org – Hope to see you around the Mango Tree! 

Pray for all the disciples in South Sudan and Uganda that are growing from the branches of the Mango tree! 

Pray for the disciples in the United States that read this and make the resolution to transform to Gods will by deepening their discipleship.  

Pray for Gods provision of developmental resources as Mercy Partners strives to make Global impact by partnering with native disciples. 


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