Something in the water






While Carrie Underwood’s hit about baptism “Something in the water” climbs the U.S. chart, we are assuring disciples in Africa that there is nothing “magical” or “mysterious” about Baptism. It is an occasion when the grace of God is received by faith. It is our “pledge of a good conscience towards God” 1 Pet 3:21 Many traditional beliefs have to be overcome in Ethiopia, Uganda and South Sudan. 
One traditional belief commonly shared among Christians is that “Only the preacher can baptize”
If you calculate the logistics that this belief imposes on the great commission, you will come to realize that Jesus was speaking to you and I when he told us go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, ( Matt: 28:19) 
Our new church family had the “AHA” moment as three that we baptized just months prior, carried out their work of ministry and immersed 5 more believers
Sandie and I marvel at the commitment we see in these new converts. Last week you prayed for “ all of God’s family to envision themselves as missionaries already on the field to which God has called them.”
-We feel your prayers have been manifested before us.
THIS WEEK – Praise God and pray for your new brothers and sisters: Adongo-Catherine, Aginyu-Daniel, Obiara – Samuel, Beatrice and Faith. 
Grace and Peace, Tom & Sandie

*Fun Fact : – Carrie’s song could apply to these waters since “Osama” the crocodile, reputedly the world’s most prolific man-eater, lives here!

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