God’s Protection 







The report from Unicef states that more than half the children in South Sudan are not in school. This is highest proportion in any country. More then 800 schools have been destroyed since war broke out with more than 400,000 children unschooled. 
Our school of 600 at risk children (preschool to level 7) continues to operate despite war.  We are happy to say that we need three more classrooms and 75 school benches. God has protected and supplied teachers during this time of war. 
Give God praise for the protection of our school and staff. 
Pray for the continue protection of the school, children and staff.
Pray for the plans to build  3 more classrooms and the funds to do so. 
Pray for Tom and Sandie as they are on the field.  
Please share this with someone today.  





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