continuing a new year






The Picture above shows the stark contrast of the wall that separates God’s Kingdom and the Kingdom of the world within the compound that we are presently located. 

Our Mercy Mission continues and so does the hope of a New Year throughout North and East Africa. In South Sudan over 10,000 have been killed in 2014. As Children of King Jesus, we pray for peace to come and come quickly. 
By the worlds standards the outlook is bleak for 2015. A report release this week warns that South Sudan is at risk of becoming a “failed state, consumed by civil war” if fighting does not end swiftly. The Republic of South Sudan has announced that they will go ahead with a planned election in June despite the inability to secure peace and against the advisement of many countries including the US and civil society within South Sudan- fearing that the attempted election will unravel all peace efforts. 
By the Standards of God’s Kingdom –  Hope continues in the name of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. Today we are on the compound that Tom and I have shared the Good News of Jesus Christ with. Upon our return we have found that the new church has been holding weekly worship and every night at 7pm they study the bible and share like the early church in Acts 2:42.  Tonight we will have the opportunity to share more of God’s Love. 
Pray for three individuals that desire to be baptized this week. Faith, Betrice and Topista. – We want to be sure they have proper understanding and motive. 
Pray for Gods direction and leading as we move through countries. Entry, exit, transport and communication are vital. Most of all communication from and to God in the name of Jesus Christ is of utmost importance. 
Praise God for His healing hand being upon us as we are battling influenza. Pray that our energy level will increase. 

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