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Children sitting on the Omo river bank, which is cracked due to falling water levels. Photo courtesy – the Guard. 

In June  one of Africa’s largest hydropower projects, Gibe III dam, will be complete and will begin to created limited power. Fishermen, farmers, teachers and others living near the world’s largest desert lake say Turkana’s volume has reduced significantly over the past 30 years because of higher temperatures and changing weather patterns. People living near Lake Turkana in northern Kenya have little understanding that the fresh water essential to their development is likely to dry up when a huge hydroelectric dam is completed.    

Our Response in prayer…In advance we lift up prayer that the electrical needs of one country does not strip survival for the Turkana people. We also pray that issues between Egypt and Ethiopia be resolved as this dam will create up river problems for Egypt.  ( it is undetermined how it will effect neighboring South Sudan) . 
Our Mercy Mission .. Pray for continued safety and security that God alone can provide as our Missions in Ethiopia, South Sudan and Uganda continue during the dry season. Along with our movement come movement of bandits and militia’s that hamper our efforts.  Pray that God will continue to provide safe and unfettered passage. 

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