Cease fire continues to be violated: 







Renewed clashes in South Sudan’s Wau state between the army and the armed opposition faction have caused hundreds of people to flee their homes. According to multiple residents who arrived in Wau town, both sides of the conflict were involved, burning down huts to ground level. Meanwhile on the other side of the country, 18 civilians have been killed and several other wounded in armed clashes. – These civilians are said to be in the UN protected camps.  Furthermore, we have reports of 36 wounded people treated including 25 victims of gunshot wounds. There are claims that this is “continued state policy of extermination.” 
President Kiir is seeking to divide the country’s 10 states into 28 smaller states, many, including the president of Botswana warn that the division will destabilize the peace agreement further. (Botswana is an African country that has succeeded at a financial and peaceful balance.)
Pray for the civilians in the cross fire of these recent clashes.
Pray for the leaders to come to peaceful resolutions that will foster long lasting peace. 
Pray that God provide wisdom for the President of South Sudan and if need be a viable replacement that honors Christ. 
KENYA  – Jonathan of Kibegenge Church wrote and stated:   I lost my son he fall in the river on Friday and he died, so you just pray for me, I will thank you for that, God bless you all.”  

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