at the end of the rope



Pray for the U.S. and Japan … in South Sudan







pictured: Children seated at a recently contributed desk in Gudele Church School. Currently we have need for hundreds of children to be seated. see blue link below for contribution information. 
Monday. N Africa ( Yesterday) Japanese troops who are taking part in U.N. peacekeeping operations of building roads in South Sudan took on new roles of rescuing U.N. staff and other personnel under attack.  Under Japan’s new laws U.N. peacekeeping operations are allowed to use weapons more flexibly than before. – This is a great concern. ( first Japanese gun toting troops since WWII) 
MERCY PARTNERS recognizes that the people of South Sudan are of the blood line of Nimrod. ( Genesis 10:9) Nimrod was the great grandson of Noah and a nation builder. As we extend dignity to the South Sudanese we are ever mindful of their ability to rebuild their own nation.  
It is honorable that other nations desire to help the fledging of South Sudan, however, there is deep concern how this help may hurt.  
Pray for the Japanese in South Sudan that they will be protected and pray that their Government may seek wisdom in their ambition.  
The United States also has ground troops in South Sudan. These troops are positioned to protect United States Assets and the number has increased after an incident referred to as Terrain where a US peacekeeper is said to have been abused.  This past week, free press reporters have also been tossed out of the country which is common. 
– Pray for the American’s in South Sudan that they will be protected and pray that our Government may seek wisdom in their ambition.  
Last few weeks you had prayed for the physical and spiritual safety of our coworkers in South Sudan and Uganda. – We are happy to report that Evangelist James has received healing from what seemed to be an infection caused by a fungus. 
This week the feeding program that you have been praying about is being administered during a time of famine. 
Funding for the needs of several orphans have been distributed and our recent Christmas Catalog which includes their needs has been responded to so we can continue to care for them for another three months care. 


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