Our first stage in mitigating CHOLERA has begun. This past week hundreds of the vulnerable population in South Sudan have received life supporting aid from MERCY PARTNERS. 
What we are doing- 
Soap, sterilized drinking containers ( “Jerri cans”) and instructions in hygiene have been distributed in the name of Jesus. One of the major challenges in combating CHOLERA has been providing access to safe water. Where there is no safe water sterilization must take place. When victims become sick, they need to be handled properly. CHOLERA had killed 42 over the past month. ( Last year 178 dead)  We may continue to see the deaths increase, but we hope our mitigation will greatly reduce the number.  
Even more — sugar and salt…
We provide sugar, salt  and education so that the people of South Sudan can care for themselves.  ORS ( Oral Hydration Solution)  aids the victims to be rehydrated and allows their bodies to absorb life giving nutrition. ORS is a simple solution that requires salt and sugar , dissolved in water ( a homemade gatorade).   
Tom Kilian started –  “ The more we can empower people to care for themselves the sooner we can end CHOLERA.  A big step in helping folks help themselves has been able to train others how to make the ORS rather than to be dependent on pre-packaged hydration solution. “ 
Recently, just north of Sudan, 30 Egyptian children contracted intestinal catarrh from pre packaged ORS – wether the packets were tainted or contaminated is unknown, however, the incident affirms that our approach is needed.  

• Praise God for the hundreds among the sixteen different tribes that have received our support. 
• Pray for the families that have lost loved ones .

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