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Last Friday,  civilians were attacked on Uganda – South Sudan border 
A South Sudan clinical officer and Ugandan motorbike driver — were beheaded. The incident happened about three kilometers inside Ugandan territory where South Sudanese have sought sanctuary in refugee camps. 
Many ask “Isn’t it dangerous in the Sudan,” Incidents like this demonstrate that borders do not contain violence. Certainly the safest place to be is in the will of God.  – Pray that we can increase our operations in these conflict zones to increase the influence of the Prince of Peace during war. 
As the celebration of our Saviors birth approaches, we run projects to show Gods grace in conflict zones to provide Help, Hope and Love.    
Funding campaigns help shoulder the needs. We know that God provides, and he provides through His children. We are requesting prayer so these needs are met. 
  1. Giving Tuesday. In the United States the three business days following “Thanksgiving day“ have become a benchmark for businesses and charities. In store purchases on “Black Friday” Online Sales on “Cyber Monday” and Charity on “Giving Tuesday”  – Every year MERCY PARTNERS offers an easy way for donors to contribute to make a difference — this year we are funding our water well project. – Pray that God connect partners to this opportunity in the name of Jesus.                          https://donorbox.org/givingforwater    
  2.  Christmas food – Every Christmas we supply the church in Sudan resources to care for the church family so they can experience the equality of Gods grace that we have been abundantly blessed with. Next week we will be funding the program that will address needs of widows, orphans and the church family for the week of December 25 to celebrate the birth of our savior.  Pray that our foundational funds will quickly replenish and that all needs be met. 
On Nov 12 we reported, one of our fellow Evangelist, Emmanuel, was reported to be injured after a vehicle hit him in Sudan. Thank you for praying in faith. We give praise that Emmy is doing well.