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                    New Life 
David writes: 
Auntie Topista returned with her granddaughter Alice who was open about her believe, she was a protestant (Anglican) and she loved her religion. We received her as a sister in Adam and explained the love of God through Christ to her especially through the Bible classes. 
 God started to open her eyes to His Truth and just at the beginning of January, the concern to know more about God increased, she got the opportunity to ask every question she wanted about Christ Jesus, his death, resurrection and power over sin and death.
Eventually, she realized that she needed to die to sin and be lifted to new life in Christ. She accepted Jesus as Lord of her life on 28, January she was baptized in the lake for the forgiveness of sin and receiving the Holy Spirit, the veil on her eyes was removed (2 Corinthians 3:16) and now she glorifies God who has saved her through the blood of Jesus Christ.  
Like her grandmother, as we came closer to the water, she feared the water but God gave her the courage to step into the water and she felt comfortable, after baptism she continues to meet with us and her grandmother is doing a good job at encouraging her.  
Alice is now not a sister in Adam but in Christ Jesus and now she is an honor to Christ. God has brought her from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of the Son of God (Colossians 1:13).
We request that you keep Alice and all the other disciples of Christ in the whole world in prayer for their empowerment from God’s word. Pray for their spiritual protection and continued trust in Christ Jesus.