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South Sudan – Diplomatic relations have deteriorated rapidly today as the United States has imposed an arms embargo on South Sudan. 
Demonstrators have taken to the streets in Juba, the capital city.  Journalist are injured.    
South Sudan has revoked their US ambassador. 
Anti United States rhetoric has increased and diplomatic relations are being compromised as Russia and China seek position. 
Our work continues through native evangelists who walk in the footsteps of the Prince of Peace. 
•  Pray for the 56 tribes of South Sudan to reflect on the Love that Jesus has for them . 
•  Pray for protection of our trusted brothers and sisters that carry out life giving work and eternal life saving though conflict. 
•  Pray that all of our operations continue uninterrupted. 
•  Pray for special spiritual protection of Church leaders and all our church family. 
•  Pray that God will be Glorified through all situations, even in the bleakest  moments. 









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