I met up with a Work Crew in Atlanta and flew down to Colombia on February 7th. There were three men from the Cincinnati area on the Work Crew. Bob Santel, Mark Kilgore, and Jeff Burkhart. Dailon Checkler, a young man from Columbus, Ohio, was already in Colombia with Brother Dale Meade, so that increased the size of the Work Crew by one more. As a Work Crew of 5, we did a lot of electrical, painting, roofing, odd jobs, and roadbed work around the camp. One of the highlights of the trip was when Dailon got baptized. This took me by surprise, but Dailon and Dale had been talking about ever since Dailon was on last year’s Work Crew in February. The Work Crew left on February 17th, except for me. 
Jackie, Dewey & Laurie Hensley arrived on February 18. This was the beginning of a 69 day internship for the Hensleys. They were in Colombia to establish a new ministry for the deaf at the Peniel Church, teach English at the Peniel School, and help with general construction at the camp. Dale Meade, Jackie, and myself helped them get settled in, and then took them into Villavicencio to shop for items to set up house.  Dale and I also took Dewey into town so we could pick out their motorcycle to purchase and use while in Colombia. Laurie, Vivian, and I did some visitations to help get the ball rolling for the Peniel Deaf Church. Dale and I also produced and printed the Deaf Camp Brochure which we began handing out while on these visitations. After everything was going along quite well, Jackie and I returned home on March 3rd.
I had several conversations via SKYPE with Jason Suhr. This was to get to know each other and prepare his sermons for Deaf Camp.  Then on April 11th, which also happened to be Jackie’s birthday, I flew out of Indianapolis for Deaf Camp. I met up with Jason in Atlanta. We had a three hour layover in Atlanta so it gave us time to know each other better. We flew into Colombia without a hitch and Brother Dale Meade picked us up at the Bogotá airport. The next day we drove down to Villavicencio. 
We did some work at the camp that first day, and that evening we discussed Jason’s sermon for the Peniel Deaf Services on Sunday. Jason was also given the opportunity to do the Communion Devotion for the hearing church as well. He did great at both. 
Jason had his 30th birthday on April 14th. The next couple days saw Jason, Laurie, and Vivian visiting with the deaf of the Villavicencio area. They invited them to the Peniel Deaf Church, and Deaf Camp. While they were out visiting, I stayed at the camp to prepare for the Deaf Camp. This was also when I began to feel ill with a very bad sinus problem coupled with a bad cough and fever. 
Deaf Camp began on April 17th, and it was not just a camp for the deaf. It included two Scout Troops from Villavicencio. One from the Peniel School, and another from a very poor section of town. Most of the kids from the other Scout Troop had not been exposed to the Gospel before. There were some youth who also attended from the Peniel Church as well. When registration was done, we had 82 people present. Only one of the deaf campers was a Christian. Jason did a fantastic job of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ in his sermons. I shared on the plan of salvation, and Dewey Hensley shared on the meaning of Communion. Needless to say, everyone at Camp knows where they stand before God, how they can be saved, and how to live a victorious Christian life. I think we may need to change the name of the camp to “Deaf, Family, and Friends Camp”. That name would better emphasize what the scope of the camp has become. Most of the campers had never seen a deaf person preach before. It was quite the experience for them.
Dewayne did a lot of teaching via SKYPE with our Thai deaf in March. He enjoys teaching in Thai Sign and helping his Thai deaf Brothers and Sisters  grow in knowledge and spirit. These sessions are helping to produce fruit too. Dewayne was told some wonderful news in one of his conversations via SKYPE with Suphap Sothara. Suphap told him that April 23 was Soontorn Sothara’s birthday, who is Suphap’s son. Soontorn had just turned 11 years old. At his birthday party Soontorn informed everyone of his desire to be a Christian and get baptized. On April 24, several deaf Christians in Chiang Mai followed the Sothara family out to a local lake where Suphap baptized his son. That is Good News! Hallelujah!  Please keep Soontorn Sothara in your prayers as he grows in spirit and truth!
Dewayne did a lot of teaching via SKYPE with our Thai deaf in March. He enjoys teaching in Thai Sign and helping his Thai deaf Brothers and Sisters  grow in knowledge and spirit. These sessions are helping to produce fruit too. Dewayne was told some wonderful news in one of his conversations via SKYPE with Suphap Sothara. Suphap told him that April 23 was Soontorn Sothara’s birthday, who is Suphap’s son. Soontorn had just turned 11 years old. At his birthday party Soontorn informed everyone of his desire to be a Christian and get baptized. On April 24, several deaf Christians in Chiang Mai followed the Sothara family out to a local lake where Suphap baptized his son. That is Good News! Hallelujah!  Please keep Soontorn Sothara in your prayers as he grows in spirit and truth!
    We now have a Facebook page for the ministry. It is North Burma Christian Mission / Deaf. This is another way to keep current on the ministries. We are able to post more information and pictures on our Facebook page. So if you want the most current and up to date information, then Friend us on Facebook.  You may choose to receive your updates via email too. Or you may continue receiving the printed Newsletter. If you would prefer email and Facebook instead of the printed Newsletter, please let us know. This would help us reduce our printing and mailing costs. Thanks! Take care and God bless!
One in Christ,
Dewayne & Jackie Liebrandt
Dewayne & Jackie Liebrandt
Home: 2116 Alexandria Drive, Greenfield, IN 46140
NBCM / D.E.A.F. Mail:  P.O. Box 582, Greenfield, IN 46140-0582