Auckland, New Zealand

Discipleship – Church Planting – Networking – University Chaplaincy – Refuge
  • I’ve got a huge week at the university next week, our annual Spirituality Week.
  • I’m doing lunchtime talks on religious literacy for professionals in a complex diverse society, etc.
  • Auckland was recently named as more diverse than London, NYC or LA because of the mix we have here.
  • Shore Church begins a 5 week series for outsiders on Tuesday nights. I’ll lead the follow-on life group for that starting in June in addition to my Wednesday night Bible study.
  • I’m teaching with Reuben on discipleship at Laidlaw College Wednesday during a Conf where Scot McKnight is guest speaker, and I have a writing retreat on Thursday I’d signed up for long ago…. before everything else crowded in.
  • On the 14th I’m coordinating our Northern Region Chaplaincy Prof Dev Day with much prep done and more to do.
  • Weekly Bible studies and responding to refugees continues around the big events.

So, prayers appreciated!….. and that my sinus headaches settle down….

Jill Shaw in Auckland, New Zealand

Discipleship – Church Planting – Networking – University Chaplaincy – Refuge

– Please forward, print or share amongst your groups, teams and family.

 Financially support the ministry Jill provides, or correspond via
• South Pacific Christian Fellowship P.O. Box 43581, Louisville KY 40253 USA •        Twitter @SPCFanz
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