Visiting Couple, English Program, and more…

English Program

The English program we partnered with our local church on had “Parent Night” where each class presented something they learned. The picture above shows Annabelle ‘not‘ singing with her class “We Wish You a Merry Christmas.” It was great fun to watch all these refugee children shine. Susan’s class presented the four seasons in song and used visual aids, while other classes took a more seasonal approach and shared a Christmas song with us. We gave everyone the opportunity to take pictures together with their families and each child was given a goody bag. Continue to pray for these children and for dedicated people who are able to help staff the program to keep it going.

A Special Visit

We have been steadily rolling along in ministry outreach to refugees from Syria and Iraq, continuing to advance in our language learning, and maintaining our relationships.

In the two weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, we hosted a young couple from the Knoxville area in our home. They came to see, hear, and experience this place for themselves. We do not mean they came to check out all the cool tourist sights, eat yummy food, ride a camel, and then head back home. No, this visit held a specific intention.

They came to consider this place as a future home and place of service. We took them along to our outreach activities, shared our unique and messy lives with them, and enjoyed hearing their hearts for service among the nations over cups of tea on our couch. Their young hearts and fresh spirits were an encouragement to us.

Our team gave them an official invitation to join us after their time here and they have decided to continue the process to join our team! Praise the Lord! Please pray with us for Brent & Mary Marion as they begin their fundraising and preparations.

OH, Arabic!

We celebrated recently over Matt’s recent Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) Exam results in Arabic. He is continuing to gain ground and has moved up another level! (This is a big deal) He managed to work hard on his Arabic in conjunction with finishing his Masters program, taking the lead on the refugee ministry, becoming team leader, and oh, also traveling out of the country twice. (Cue song “Working for a Living” Huey Lewis & The News
Continue to pray we will be disciplined in our learning and keep building our communication skills.

We have been blessed beyond words and say Thank You.
Many of you have prayed, financially invested, and assisted us in this ministry and we cannot Thank You enough. 
THANK YOU for praying.
THANK YOU for giving.
THANK YOU for partnering.
THANK YOU for loving.
THANK YOU for encouraging.
We thank God for you and pray He will strengthen each of you as you continue to pursue Him in all you do.
Celebrated Thanksgiving with our team, visitors, and our local Pastor and his ‘expecting’ wife!

For people who are not connected with us and are not currently supporting us: We launched a basic webpage so people who want to help specifically with the refugee needs can read about what we are doing and have a way to make a quick donation online. These donations go directly to the assistance our team is providing for Syrian and Iraqi refugees in our city. 

We would love for you to share the website with your family, friends, co-workers, and social media networks. 


For people who have a history of giving to us: Continue in your normal routine. The website does not replace how you have been supporting us.

October Financial Summary


Balance 10/1/2015           $       16,838.77

Oct Receipts                     $       15,590.00

Oct Expenses                   $       11,679.68

Balance 10/31/2015         $       20,749.09


Salary                             $          2,479.82
Childcare                        $             197.40
Education                       $           1,527.23
Aid Projects                     $          3,927.77
Retirement                      $              350.00
Housing                          $              166.51
Medical Insurance          $              344.80
Home Office Rep           $               100.00
Travel                             $           2,021.03 
Office Supp                    $              413.80
Banking Fees                 $              126.32
Legal In Residence        $                25.00

Copyright © 2015 Matt and Susan, All rights reserved.