1.     Travel mercies for the mission teams as they travel and our international partners as they host them.

2.     Wisdom as we pursue various means to help support Master Provisions

3.     Many new MP Partners to choose to donate $50/month

4.     Our summer interns:  Malika Glover (NKU), James McFarland (NKU), Megan Devoto (Berea), and Pat Moeves (LLC)

5.     Creative ideas to produce jobs and enjoyable volunteer opportunities

6.     The family of Larry Nelson as they continue to miss and adjust to life without their husband, father, and grandfather

7.     We need more supplies of good used clothing and shoes, especially items suitable for warm, tropical climates

8.     We praise God for 61 former orphans now living in Christian homes in Ukraine and sponsored by members of First Church of Christ –  Burlington/Union, KY, on  the June 6/7 weekend.


Janice L. Walrath