Dear Ones,

Also, a great group of older youth which Godfrey taught! Here is a photo of the Ambassadors at study.

Good news from here is that the Bible Studies have continued with good numbers of kids and youth eager to grow in the Lord. When we arrived on Saturday, there were about 30 children already there with chairs arranged and seated and ready to sing. And as they sang more kept coming – I think we had over 50. They remembered the lesson from the week before! This week will be on the crucifixion using flannel graph – simple, but powerful. The in-between youth confirmed that they want to come to both the Bible Study with the young ones and the older high school and up youth. I’ve been worried about them that we weren’t meeting their needs.

Two little boys have been helped by Lethabo Kid’s Club. On the left is Paul who at the age of 3 was walking with a stick as a cane. We helped get him to the surgeon in Pretoria and after several surgeries, he is an active 5-year old. Now you can’t stop him, running, climbing, jumping – and very bright. He will be a real leader and we pray we can lead him to always follow God’s ways.

The little boy on the right is 8, but about the size of a 5 -year old. He as sick for about 15 days with diarrhea and had a very bad cough. He had quit eating and the family were making preparations to take him back to Zimbabwe so he could die there (where his father died in December). We prayed and the Lord answered and the diarrhea stopped and the next day he said he was hungry! He’s now back in school, looking strong and healthy. Kid’s Club provides supplementary food to help build him up. He is also on proper medication to help him maintain better health. His name is Elias, and he promises to be a strong man for God

We also have two buddies back together, Isaac and Phillip, who were our ‘preacher boys’ at about 12 years of age. Isaac is now studying in a Chef’s School, which he loves and Phillis is in Matric (12thgrade). Isaac has just had an MRI to leard why he has constant headaches. I haven’t gotten the report back from the Neurologist yet. Do pray for this committed young Christian.


Praise the Lord for the prayer group formed by the students in Polokwane – 5 of them plus others who have joined them. 



We’ve had some good rain here – so much more still needed over the whole country. But, we really thank the Lord for what we have! I put off the rethatching of my house for a few weeks, waiting for the rains to be over.

Godfrey and the other older youth leaders have planned a camp for this weekend for about 20 youth. We’re excited about that! I will be staying to teach the younger Bible Study with Thomas interpreting. May it be to His honor and glory! 

My friend to be from Korea arrives tomorrow. I look forward to our 10 days together. Thank you for your prayers and the support you send. God is using you in this!

In His Service,

Marilyn Cook

“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy name!” Psalm 103