Newsletter January 2017
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The first of the New Year 2017 and I don’t know about you, but I’ve been thrown out into the deep and am paddling water to keep up.

Lethabo Kid’s Club began again the 4 January after a two week break. The kids seem happy to be back and the youth are there every Wednesday to help with the little ones, keep order with the older ones and just generally see that everything runs smoothly. We have many children wanting help with school clothes, mainly shoes and backpacks for books. We hope to be able to help them soon.

Getting 14 students registered and settled back into tertiary education has been a huge undertaking. To give you an idea, Phillip completed his Matric (high school diploma) in December, his mother passed away two days before Christmas. He is now registered for a course in Child Care in a town about 3 ½ hours from here where he will have a bursury for his studies. To help him get settled we needed to provide not only a bed (which we had) but curtains, blanket, sheet, pillow and pillowcase, electric kettle, broom and iron. He’s happy and getting settled into classes now. Thankfully most of the other students are second year in their studies and already have the necessities provided. We still need 3 computers which can be shared for them to do their assignments.

Christmas Fun

Since December when we had 15 here at Grace Place and then another 9 of Sarah’s friends, I have had 6 young men here for 5 days for prayer and fasting.

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The  Greatest New-Godfrey and Sylvia are married 30 December!

Sylvia in Tribal Dress
The lovely couple with the pastor!
Please keep Brian and Lois Lund, my forwarding agents in much prayer. After undergoing surgery on the 23 January for cancer, Lois was to begin chemo today as they discovered more spots in her lymph glands, lung and pelvic bone. In spite of all she’s been going through, Lois has completed the first of the year financials and those who have contributed during 2016 will received letters and the financials soon. Much thanks and many prayers for Brian and Lois!
I’m so thankful for all of you who hold me and the ministries here up before the Lord continually. And thank you for faithful support which keeps it all going.

In His love,

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