Grace Place News – From Marilyn
April 2017

On the family front

Two weeks ago I was in Joburg and we had a family celebration – not only was it my wonderful daughter Kathleen’s birthday, but I got to go to granddaughter Rachel’s graduation when she received her degree in architecture. We’re very proud of her achievement! I also had lovely time with Morne and his family and enjoyed seeing Michaela’s progress in walking and trying to talk. Such fun!
Also, great family news – Josh Wicks, my grandson, got engaged to Kristen Du Toit. We’re very happy for them.

Sadly, Marian Peek, Stu’s aunt and our former forwarding agent, went to be with the Lord. She was nearly 94 so we rejoice with her but miss her sorely.
Last month I wrote about spending most of a day with my good friend, Ilka Parapanova. A few days later she was diagnosed with stage 4 bone cancer and passed away the day I arrived back in Joburg two weeks ago. We’re thankful she didn’t have to suffer longer, but it is a big loss to her family and those of us who knew and loved her so much. Lord willing, I will be heading back to Joburg to attend the funeral.



Faith Like Potatoes – national prayer

There is no doubt that this country is in crisis on almost every level and needs prayer. On 22 April, a local pastor, Angus Buchan called for the nation to pray for the country. More than one million gathered on a farm in Bloemfontein to pray for the nation, the crime, the immorality. While they were praying, churches all over the country were joining in at home or in the church with 24 hours of prayer. The seating of the crowd went back 1,5km from the platform! I’m sure you can google it. Angus Buchan has headed up Mighty Men meetings his first book was made into a movie, “Faith Like Potatoes”.


Leseding Church

Locally, the new church plant in Leseding continues to fill the town hall each week with Bible Studies and prayer meetings in homes during the week. We’re so happy to know that whole families are involved and the giving has been amazing! They are so eager to know the Word! Pray for those leading and their families.


Lethabo Kids Club

Kid’s Club on Wednesdays continue to be a joy – the next generation coming up to serve the Lord. The photo taken at a Bible Study shows the small children in front, on the floor. They were the ones answering the questions on the story – and correctly!


Students – The Kholofelo Association, “Giving HOPE to youth”.

Our Kholofelo students were home over Easter and it was great to interact with them. Their grades are good – showing that they are working hard. We need more funding for this project.

A fellow worker is also supporting 6 students and may need to quit supporting as her work has been slow. One of the young men, Chris, is nearly finished his course – just six months to qualify for his diploma in Boiler Making. He is a faithful Christian, studies hard and gets good marks. As I can’t take on any more students now, we need someone to assist in his school fees and accommodation, etc. At the present he is being supported about $360 per month which covers everything – fees, books, accommodation, food, travel expenses. If you would be able to help, please contact me.


Seven years

Friday, 5 May will be 7 years since Stu went to be with the Lord. I thank the Lord for health and strength, beautiful weather, beautiful kids – mine and all the others who call me ‘Granny’ or ‘Aunty”.

Thank you so much for your continued support of me and the ministries here in Limpopo and Johannesburg with Connie. You are greatly used of the Lord in helping to plant the gospel message in the hearts of young and old and in feeding so many people in desperate need.


“And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:13


Copyright © 2017 Mission to South Africa, All rights reserved. 
News from Marilyn Cook at Grace Place, South Africa