Since I last wrote, Mikaela Wicks, my three-month old great grandbaby, has come home after six weeks in hospital and is doing great!



Michelle Oh from Korea was with me for about 12 days as a volunteer. She participated in everything I do and was a wonderful helper. We also enjoyed a lot of Asian food, and that was fun!

Michelle, Marilyn and Godfrey


I had a wonderful weekend in Johannesburg seeing my kids, grandkids and Michaela again. There was time for lunch with special friends, Plamen and Ilka, shopping with Sarah and Kathleen for birthdays, Becky for a graduation dress and then – Becky’s graduation with her degree in Civil Engineering. Can you imagine how proud I am of her!

Most of our Kholofelo students were home for the school break and are doing well. I discovered that one of the girls, Tshpiso, could not see (not at night and hardly in the daytime), so we were able to organize glasses for her. I don’t know how she has been managing! It’s great to see how the  students have matured in confidence, and the Bible Study/prayer is still going on in Polokwane. We were able to get Bibles to them.

Isaac, who has had constant headaches, day and night, had an MRI (thanks to a sponsor) and he has no tumour. His problem seems to be sinuses, and he now has the proper medication for that.



Youth working at Kid’s Club – pray for them, our future leaders!

Lethabo Kid’s Club is still the place to be on Wednesday afternoon for 300 to 700 kids. Yesterday they sang so loud, I thought the roof would come off! Then, Godfrey led them in acting out Noah’s Ark. Then it was sandwiches and milk! 

A real highlight of the Bible Studies was observing as about 30 children from 5-12 sat and heard the story of the resurrection straight from the Word. The older ones read in English and then Godfrey told them what was happening in Sesotho.  They sat so still and took it all in – the wonder and awe of the resurrection of our Lord!


At my house, the roof is being rethatched after 20 years! So, my lounge is full of 9 metre scaffolding, really scary when the guy is on top with a long ladder stretched across to walk on while he works. He assured me it was safe as the ladder is tied down securely (but he isn’t). I don’t want to look! All the lounge furniture is on the veranda and upstairs everything is in the middle of the floor. Duke and I are sitting at the table on the veranda – he is under my feet feeling very displaced and insecure. Being able to get the roof repaired is a real answer to prayer! It should be good for another 20 years! 

THANKS TO THE LORD FOR HIS GRACE AND MERCY! And may the Lord bless you for your loving care, prayers and support to me and the ministry here in South Africa. Through you the hungry are being fed and the message of Jesus’ salvation is being spread about. 

“For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  Romans 8:38,39



Love in Christ
