February 21, 2014

Dear brothers and sisters,

This is the day I have been waiting for! I have been busy while I was waiting. Busy attempting to eat the right foods to chase away the cancer. February 18 Dorothy and I left Masvingo early and drove to Harare. I left Dorothy with relatives and she was going to enrol for her next year at the University of Zimbabwe. Then I went on to the Diagnostic Imaging Centre to have another C T scan. The scan went well and I left to wait in Harare for the results. I checked with the receptionist at Dr. Nyakabau’s office and she phoned me on the 20th to say she had the results of the scan could I please come in to see the doctor at 3:45.
I went by to order covers for our Shona Hymn Book from one of our paper suppliers and stopped in town to get passport size photos to use for a new International Driver’s Licence.

I arrived at the Doctor’s office before the Doctor but the receptionist did not let me read the report of the test while I was waiting for the doctor. However, when I saw the doctor she commented on how good I looked and that my color was good. I have Peripheral Neuropathy that is a result of the chemo. It is supposed to go away. I also have incontinence as a result of the surgery. She examined me and gave me more prescriptions and prescriptions for another blood test and scan in 3 months time. She told me that there was no cancer on the report. When I was ready to leave she handed me the scan report.

I drove to the flat as it rained and went in to read the report for myself. When I told Everjoy that the cancer was gone she danced around the flat praising the Lord for answered prayer. I sent several text messages to say that C T scan shows no Cancer. I received several answers. Lord be Praised. Congratulations. God is good. Praise God!!! Well God is great indeed. That is fantastic news!!!! You are an amazing lady with a crazy diet but you sure have it right! Well done. Much love and huge hugs. I also got several phone calls.

Today I picked up the paper for CAMELS from the supplier.  I went to the AA (Automobile Association of Zimbabwe) to order my new International Driver’s Licence. Then to the Food Lovers Farm for raw nuts and virgin olive oil to help me stay on my diet.

My hair has started growing. I put a picture in facebook in January. I am only signed up for facebook to be able to hear the sessions of ICOM in Kansas City. Do not feel offended if I do not respond to facebook. If I spent more time on facebook I would get nothing else done.

Zimbabwe Christian College

Tomorrow is a ZCC Board meeting and then I plan to travel back to Masvingo to be at the Masvingo Christian Church’s Annual General Meeting.

Rufaro Church

The Church building being constructed at Rufaro now has the roof on and the congregation met in the building last Sunday. It still needs doors and windows but the work is going ahead.


We have not been having enough business at CAMELS for some time. As many businesses have closed down our business has suffered. We have more employees that we have work to do. We have gone through the proper channels and have been given permission to have the employees work 3 days a week. Some time ago we went to a meeting in Harare and heard that many other printing businesses were already on such a plan. The regulations are designed to protect the employees.  If we lay them off we have to pay a large sum.


The Kyle Dam has been very low and we were thankful to the Lord for every drop of rain but were still begging for more. During January we got several good rains and the rivers are flowing. The level of the dam has come up some but we are praying that it continues to rise.
South of us they are building the Tokwe Maktosi Dam and because it is still under construction they were not prepared for the rain that fell there. On the other hand some said that the reports were a bit exerarated. Others said that some of the people that lost things had already been told to move from the area long ago.

Back to my health:

Thank you for praying for me. Ben and Karen made themselves available for me when I needed them. When the body is sick the mind does not work very well either so it was great that they went with me to doctor’s appointments and remembered some of the things I had not caught or at least not remembered.

Thanks to Jaynie Michael for sharing with me about the cancer diet in August and giving me some addresses where I could find more info. I have spent hours on the computer and found out a lot about the cancer diet and alternative cures for cancer. I have read some books and studied recipes to work on a new diet. This was necessary to get rid of the cancer and also to keep it from returning. Many people have told me that they were so surprised that I got cancer. They thought I was watching what I ate. As I look back I was watching the quantity of my diet but I was not eating the right things.

I felt that I had won the battle over the cancer but I knew that I needed the scan to prove that it was gone. I will be able to eat some of the things I have gone without but I know that I do not want cancer returning. This is some of what I have learned and maybe what you do not know.

With regards to a cancer treatment, every food that we eat or drink can be categorized into several different categories:

1) Foods that feed and strengthen the cancer cells and/or the microbes in the cancer cells and body. Examples would be: refined sugar, refined flour, yeast, soda pop, dairy products, etc.

2) Foods that cause cancer (e.g. trans fatty acids [margarine, French fries, (chips) and virtually every other processed food you buy], aspartame [Diet Coke, NutraSweet, Equal, etc.] MSG, polyunsaturated oils [e.g. corn oil], etc.)

3) Foods that directly interfere with alternative treatments for cancer (e.g. chlorine, fluoride, alcohol, coffee, etc.)

4) Foods that occupy and distract the immunity system from focusing on killing the cancer cells (e.g. beef, turkey, etc.)

5) Foods that contain nutrients that kill the cancer cells, stop the spread of cancer, or in some other way help treat the cancer (e.g. purple grapes with seeds and skin, red raspberries with seeds, strawberries with seeds, broccoli, cauliflower, several herbs, carrots, pineapples, almonds, etc.)

Some of you my be interested to know that on the day I checked into the hospital with cancer but before I knew what was wrong my blood test (full Blood count) showed everything was normal except that my platelets were high 515.
After my chemo treatments on August 9 2013 they were as follows:

Erythrocyte count      3.23 Low       Normal 3.8 – 5.

Haemoglobin           11.8 Low                   12.4 – 16.7

Haematocrit              0.33 Low                   0.35 – 0.49

MCV                          103.2 High                 79 – 100

MCH                          36.5  High                  27 – 35

MCHC                       35.4                            29 – 37

RDW                          15,3                            11.0 – 16.0

Platelets                    81  Low                      150 – 450

WBC                         2.6 Low                      4.0 – 11.0

2 weeks before this my platelet count was 62. Then 2 weeks after this I had started on the cancer diet and my platelet count went up to 144

On my blood test February 12, 2014 all readings were in the normal range.




Marcia Kay