The following information has been provided by our friend Georges Carillet

Midday update – but 9:30 pm in Ukraine
BTW, I will be at a retreat Thurs-Sat, so will not be able to do updates unless there are things I feel you might not read on the news and should know. Assuming I have Internet. gpc
Pray for S…..

S…. reports
Friends, I’m going back to Crimea on the train today [Tues]. I’ll arrive Thursday morning. Please pray for an uneventful trip. You can’t imagine how excited I was to get a ticket. I can’t wait to see my friends again and to be there with them. If you want to know how I’m feeling, please listen to this music video.

[For starters] Five fibs from Vladimir: how Putin distorted the facts about Ukraine

Russian president’s first press conference on crisis revealed rather subjective interpretation of events, writes Alec Luhn

Circulating the Internet: A response to Putin’s interview about his position on the situation in Crimea March 4, 2014.

Putin’s eyes. They also speak. – Summary:

“I know that I’m lying. you know I’m lying. I know that you know that I’m lying. They know that I know that you know that I’m lying – and yet I’m lying. 
I lie to lie. I’m lying so that you know how good it is – to lie. To lie with impunity (I’m Putin-y 🙂 without any consequences for lying. I’m lying to terrify you. So that they know that you are terrified. 

I lie, therefore I am “

[This rings true with my experience with some people in Simferopol: “I know that I’m lying. you know I’m lying. I know that you know that I’m lying.” But I was expected to act as if this person was not lying! GC]

CNN interview of someone known to some of our CIU past staff:

Opinion: A divided Ukraine? Think again

By Maia Mikhaluk, Special to CNN

March 4, 2014 — Updated 1004 GMT (1804 HKT)


I just talked to my friends in Crimea.

Yuri in Simferopol told me that it’s a handful of pro-Russian extremists in the streets trying to make a scene for Russian video cameras — they are showing that these are the Russians who request protection!

Meanwhile, the rest of the city is terrified by the presence of Russian military forces and are evacuating their families to central or western Ukraine.

I got a similar report from Luda in Kharkov. She said that a large group of Russians were brought across the border by buses, and they were the ones inspiring and instigating unrest that resulted in putting a Russian flag on a municipal building.

The amount of propaganda Russia has poured onto Ukraine is hard to comprehend. Putting troops on Ukrainian land is going to bring the very opposite result from what Putin expected: I believe it’s uniting Ukraine.


Russian ‘titushki’ dressed in Ukrainian soldiers’ uniforms to ‘swear allegiance’ to the people of Crimea

Posted on March 5, 2014by chornajuravka


Performance being staged once again in Sevastopol

The Russian ‘titushki’, who were actively buying Ukrainian military uniforms yesterday, will swear allegiance to the people of Crimea, simulating defected soldiers. Dmytro Tymchuk, director of the Center for Political and Military Studies, reported this in his FB status.

“It is now clear why yesterday the occupiers were in such dire need of Ukrainian military uniforms that they were shopping en masse at Crimean ‘Voentorg’ Army shops and looting from pillaged depots of the Ukrainian Navy,” he wrote. “In particular, in Sevastopol Russian ‘titushki’ are being massively dressed in Ukrainian uniforms. Simulating defected Navy soldiers, they will swear ‘allegiance to the people of Crimea’,” added Tymchuk.

Translated by Alya Shandra, edited by Robin Rohrback


[Oviously, Putin continues to stack the deck, working hard to create separtism and even open conflict. GC]


How long can the lie hold up?
Russian President Vladimir Putin as recent as March 4 denied that Russian troops were in Ukraine.

But several people with whom the Kyiv Post spoke on March 4-5 admitted that they were Russian elite forces.


Freedom of those not separatists is limited.

March 5, 2014
From N…. – a friend mentor to orphans:
N…(different individual) and I, and CCX [IFES] folks were at the demonstration today. It was next to a military base on Pavlenko St. It was supposed to be peaceful, but there were so many aggressive people there; they pushed us (we were mostly women), shouted at us, and they tore the posters we had. There were SO MANY representatives of mass media present. US, France, Germany, leading Ukr. channels. But those men did not care to help. 
Our “team” started singing a Christian song in Ukrainian, “Боже, я молю за Украину” [God, I pray for Ukraine]. The crowd got quieter. Our group gave [received?] applause. And then we sang the Hymn. We were proud to do that. From the opponents we heard the usual “Fascist won’t come through.” But the attention of mass media was all turned to us. We think we should be there at night, too.
PS pro-Russian folks did not even let others give the UA military people some sweets they brought. They tried to prevent that, but luckily, people succeeded. The military guys were grateful. [They are trapped on their base by the unidentified soldiers and the uniformed Crimean self-defence men.]

[See below link to the article and videos that relate to N….’s report — you will see in the video how the invasion/occupation of Crimea has lead to dissension and could lead to fighting — then Putin “really would” have to send in the troop! Ukraine surely could have solved their new government related problems easier, quicker and more kinder without Putin’s help, and all the animosity he has engendered. Maybe Kiev’s new government did not act fast enough to quell the fears of many of the Russian speaking population of Ukraine (which includes Crimea), but Putin sure acted fast [preplanned?] and preempted whatever Kiev had in mind and later tried to do. GC]