Dear Friends and Family,


It is AMAZING how the Lord brings people together! This telling begins when after Dad Clark’s passing we made a first visit, June 11th1995, with the West Towne, Knoxville, TN, congregation and I was introduced to Skip Tanaka by an elder from the congregation. They had begun support of OBS before the war ended from a visit by Dad’Madden [Osaka Christian Mission Founder–mother organization of OBS] and he was wanting Bro’Skip to take on the role of seeing to the continuing support of OBS. Brother Skip at that time gave me a copy of God’s Samurai the untold full’Story of Mitsuo FUCHIDA, the Command Pilot of the Pearl Harbor attack, who converted and became an amazing evangelist (very popular in America–not so popular in Japan).


Then three years ago, I receive this e-mail, “You may not remember me…I am the sansei that attends West Towne Christian Church in Knoxville, TN.  We met a long, long time ago.  The past 5 years, I have been playing and leading music in area churches. … I am going to Japan for the very first time in April 2015. … Do you have a church service … ? Looking forward to hearing from you.


Responding, “Hi!” Skip!  “Yes!” We remember you well!  We would be very happy to welcome you here in Japan. … You gave me your copy of God’s Samurai and I have picked up copies for others and often recommended it–a never forgotten gift.  That was a memorable Lord’s Day in many ways and that day lingers in my mind.  So pleased to have you make contact!” Rickie would also invite him to KCS which he relates was not something he really felt inclined to say yes to and tried not to, but he just couldn’t hit the send button (“God wouldn’t let me.”) to the response he had prepared.


Now what is amazing, from his first visit to Japan is the exploding of his ministry to Japanese here and there in the Knoxville area now with his fourth visit here. He had virtually daily ministering events here over his near three weeks on this trip: KCS, OBS International Night and some four congregations; and, he is ministering now to Japanese groups in the Knoxville area (some of our former missionaries to Japan included), speaking to school groups about Japan . . . ! “WOW!!” All the RESULT from a 1940’s contact with an OBS missionary ministry in Japan!


Then further, while Skip was here he mentioned that someone had told him to tell us hello. The wife of that couple, now in their 60s, had been the teen-age girl God used to invite Skip to church in Chicago for the first time! Skip became a follower of Jesus and attended Lincoln Christian College. The husband of the couple was a young boy in California whose father God used to call me back into preparing for the ministry in 1965! We all moved toSan Jose together where I finished college and entered the ministry, and he went four years to receive his college diploma. It is AMAZING how God touches lives to achieve His purposes and then brings them together again! How vast and yet how personal God’s Kingdom is!


There is another kind of AMAZING, too!! Our Prayer Warriors !! A life-time ago ministering at Lake Tahoe, California, I had a very special Prayer Warrior whom I could share with and by whom I was greatly encouraged. With a response to our last e’Update came word again of one who in the wee hours of night unto day we are ever remembered daily in intercessory prayer. At ICOM last November an acquaintance from our Lincoln, IL, days came up to us and shared how she prayed for us every-day—we were taken aback! Such encouragement from you out there sustains us and guards our days. SO! APPRECIATED!!


For the Kingdom,


Paul and Rickie Clark

Osaka, Japan



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