Jill Shaw in Auckland, New Zealand

Discipleship – Church Planting – Networking – University Chaplaincy – Refuge

Teaching/training 3 times this week, all different topics.

Some of my partners are interested in “A week in the life of…” kinda snapshots of ife and

ministry here.

A glimpse of this past week: 16-23 March

Sunday AM: Shore worship, then assisted at Newcomers’ Info Lunch

Wednesday AM: Chaplaincy Team Monthly Mtg followed by lunch with students to
connect them in faith clubs on campus.

Wednesday PM: Ladies’ Bible study where we looked at Psalm 103 in various translations,
followed by multiple readings & prayer.

Thursday: Massey Chaplaincy and then off to Just Church Conference in South Auckland, a
very diverse community

Friday & Saturday: Just Church- discussing church’s initiatives toward justice issues, and
expressing worship via art and creativity. (Great networking for chaplaincy conference planning
and professional development days.)

Saturday night: watched rugby on TV, a bit of controlled violence

Sunday: At MacLaurin Chapel, Auckland University campus to celebrate their anniversary.
~Missed being with my Shore Church family.

A glimpse of this coming week: 24-29 March

-Monday: training youth leaders on mentoring/discipling

-Tuesday: North Shore area church leaders at Massey University; developing local
partnerships with chaplaincy

-Wednesday AM: the regional Chaplaincy Trust Board mtg at UNITEC Campus and preparing
a lesson for my sub at Bible study Wed

Wednesday PM: Christian Panelist on Death & Dying for Health Sciences students at Massey 2-5 PM

-Wednesday PM: teaching youth about rest as a spiritual discipline

-Thursday: Normal chaplaincy duties at Massey

-Friday night: potluck dinner with those going to Israel in July.

-Saturday AM: identity+

A few other To-Do’s:

REFUGESS: Must pop in to see the Iqbal family from Pakistan. The boys are struggling with
bullying and Bushra needs workbooks for accounting. I’ll see Fatima at Massey Thursday.

SHORE: Finish ministry plans

SPCF: Arrange housing for visiting Johnson University professor

CHAPLAINCY: firm up plans for Northern Region Prof Dev day in May.

SHORE: Write discussion questions for new cafe course called The Story of God, starting on
Tuesday 6 May

Your lives are full too, punctuated by ministry, play, rest and work that needs doing.
I like the variety in mine, if I can remember which hat I’m wearing in which conversation! 
(Discipler, leadership mentor, retreat leader, teacher, storyteller, chaplain, refugee support
volunteer …. )

Thank you for your partnership, for undergirding the conversations and plans and activities
with prayer.

28 So we tell others about Christ, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all
the wisdom God has given us. We want to present them to God, perfect in their
relationship to Christ.
29 That’s why I work and struggle so hard, depending on
Christ’s mighty power that works within me. Col 1:28-29 NLT

South Pacific Christian Fellowship


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• South Pacific Christian Fellowship P.O. Box 43581, Louisville KY 40253 USA •