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Connecting Everywhere… Every Day

March, 2014  Issue 127
Established in 1930 to promote global fellowship among churches with their origins in the Stone-Campbell movement, World Convention cooperates with Christians everywhere toward the unity of the church.

 Trusting Creativity

Gary Holloway 

Gary Holloway casual

One of the joys of my calling at World Convention is that I get to visit many vibrant and creative congregations.



The Women’s Desk Julia Keith office
Julia Keith

Where is your home? This question was asked in a recent women’s ministry meeting.

 Please remember to pray daily for Global Women Connecting and the lives it touches.

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Every two years, the World Convention team of directors meet face to face. The quadrennial Global Gathering provides opportunity to celebrate connecting with the whole family. In between, a time is set aside to listen to and share God’s unity initiatives with board members.

April 1-3, 2014, the directors will convene in Nashville, Tennessee. Meet them here.
We ask that you pray for them and their upcoming discussions.



Donate to the Everywhere, Every Day Ministry of World Convention

Daily Disciple

 Nashville Skyline    by Grant Shuler

 Gary Holloway


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