It’s been a while since I wrote. I apologize for the delay, Becky and I spent the winter in Florida. It was great. The weather was wonderful and we made many good contacts. We returned to Fort Wayne the last week of March and on the day we returned were in a car accident.  No one was hurt but it took our car out of commission. We returned to Fort Wayne with things up in the air as far as our future ministry was concerned and the sale of our house.

It was hard to move forward without the proceeds of the sale and without jobs.  But things are looking up in a really good way and I praise the Lord for the way he has worked.  We used the time to meet with other mission minded colleagues to explain our vision of ministry.  Through this time of reflection, prayer and with the counsel of several Christian leaders, we have made some major decisions.

I’ve outlined these changes on the blog. Please head over there and take a minute to read all about it. While you’re there please take the time to sign up for the email list if you have not as yet, and look over the rest of the website.  

For those of you who are planning to attend the North American Christian Convention I will be attending Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I hope to see you there. I won’t have a booth this year but I usually hang out most often at the LATM booth.
If you would like for me to present the work of Missionary Member Care please contact me.  I am eager to come to your church or group to explain the need we have help prevent premature and unneeded early departure from the mission field.  Contact: Dr. Max High, 260-479-9740 or
Most importantly…..Please be in prayer for our work as I continue to pray for yours.
Dr. Max

Dr. Max High
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Missionary Outfitters

2808 Stanford Ave

Ft Wayne, In 46808